Contractors - should I be paying myself salary and dividends?

By Chris Andreou
Last updated
September 8, 2023


Contractors - should I be paying myself salary and dividends?Contractors - should I be paying myself salary and dividends?

As a contractor, how you pay yourself will vary depending on whether your contract is subject to IR35.

  • Contract subject to IR35 (inside): Salary
  • Contract not subject to IR35 (outside): Salary, dividends + reimbursing any expenses you have paid for out of your own pocket

We've provided a more detailed explanation in our Forma Help Center limited company outside IR35 take home pay calculator.

As a contractor, how you pay yourself will vary depending on whether your contract is subject to IR35.

  • Contract subject to IR35 (inside): Salary
  • Contract not subject to IR35 (outside): Salary, dividends + reimbursing any expenses you have paid for out of your own pocket

We've provided a more detailed explanation in our GoForma Help Center limited company outside IR35 take home pay calculator.

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