What is a Director's Salary?

By Chris Andreou
Last updated
September 16, 2023
What is a Director's Salary? guide


As a limited company director, you pay yourself through drawing a salary and receiving dividends from your company.

Drawing a salary from your company is fairly similar to how you'll be paid if you were employed elsewhere-you'll run payroll, submit the required information to HMRC each month and receive your salary (after income tax and NIC have been accounted for).

<p>As a limited company director, you pay yourself through drawing a salary and receiving <a href="https://www.goforma.com/tax/what-are-dividends" target="_blank">dividends</a> from your company.<br></p><p>Drawing a salary from your company is fairly similar to how you'll be paid if you were employed elsewhere-you'll run payroll, submit the required information to HMRC each month and receive your salary (after income tax and NIC have been accounted for).</p>

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