Small business accounting

How do I set up a VAT Direct Debit Payment?

Last updated
March 3, 2025


How do I set up a VAT Direct Debit Payment?

You can use your VAT online account to set up a Direct Debit payment.

Do note that Direct Debit payments take at least three working days to clear. As such, you should set up the Direct Debit at least three working days before submitting your online VAT return, or the payment won't be processed in time.

<p>You can use your <a href="" target="_blank">VAT online account</a> to set up a Direct Debit payment.<br></p><p>Do note that Direct Debit payments take at least three working days to clear. As such, you should set up the Direct Debit at least three working days before submitting your online <a href="" target="_blank">VAT</a> return, or the payment won't be processed in time.</p>

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