
Umbrella vs Limited Company

Last updated
March 12, 2025


Umbrella vs Limited Company

Let's compare the advantages and drawbacks of setting up a limited company VS working through an umbrella company.

Why set up a limited company?

  • Limited liability
  • Tax efficiencies
  • Increased credibility

Why not set up a limited company?

  • Increased legal and administrative requirements
  • Less privacy; details of the company are publicly available

Why work through an umbrella company?

  • Ease of use
  • Flexibility
  • Entitled to statutory benefits

Why not work through an umbrella company?

  • Costly way to operate
  • Lack of control

Let’s compare the advantages and drawbacks of setting up a limited company VS working through an umbrella company.

Why set up a limited company?

  • Limited liability
  • Tax efficiencies
  • Increased credibility

Why not set up a limited company?

  • Increased legal and administrative requirements
  • Less privacy; details of the company are publicly available

Why work through an umbrella company?

  • Ease of use
  • Flexibility
  • Entitled to statutory benefits

Why not work through an umbrella company?

  • Costly way to operate
  • Lack of control

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