p11d deadline

P11D Deadline - P11D Filing and Payment Deadline

As a business owner, you may have heard of the P11D form and its importance in reporting employee benefits and expenses. The P11D deadline is a crucial date on every employer's calendar. It marks the final day to submit P11D and P11D(b) forms to HMRC. These forms are essential for reporting and taxing benefits in kind (BiKs) and expenses provided to employees, ensuring compliance with UK tax regulations.


Chris Andreou

What is P11D Form?

The P11D form is a declaration that employers must submit to HMRC annually. It reports the value of any benefits and expenses provided to employees that aren't included in their salary. These benefits might include things like company cars, private health insurance, and interest-free loans.

Accurate completion of the P11D form is essential to calculate the correct tax liability for both employers and employees. It must be filed by July 6th of each tax year and is a crucial part of payroll and tax returns. Employers can submit the P11D form online through HMRC's PAYE online service or utilizing third-party software.

What is P11D(b) Form?

The P11D(b) form is a separate declaration that accompanies the P11D form. Due on July 6th each tax year, It summarizes the total Class 1A National Insurance contributions due on all the benefits and expenses reported in the P11D forms. Employers must submit both forms together, ensuring that the correct taxes are paid. Payment of Class 1A NICs is due on 22nd July (online) or 19th July (cheque)

Essential Components of the P11D Form

The P11D form includes sections for specific benefits like company cars, health insurance, and related securities. It also requires details of employee benefits and cash equivalents, as well as employee and employer information such as national insurance contributions. Additionally, the form includes spaces to report expenses like business travel and taxable expenses, and it is used to report benefits for the previous tax year.

What Falls Under the Scope of a P11D Form?

The P11D form covers a wide range of taxable benefits and expenses.

  1. Company Cars
  2. Fuel for Company Cars
  3. Private Medical Insurance
  4. Accommodation
  5. Other Taxable Benefits and Expenses

Employers need to report these accurately to avoid potential fines or penalties.

How to Submit P11D Form?

You have several options for submitting your P11D and P11D(b) forms:

  1. HMRC’s PAYE Online Service: If you have fewer than 500 employees, use HMRC's PAYE online service for the submission of P11D and P11D(b) forms. This user-friendly platform is suitable for straightforward matters and can be accessed from any computer with an internet connection.
  2. Payroll Software: If you have more than 500 employees, fill in and submit the P11D and P11D(b) forms through your payroll software. These software solutions often offer automatic calculations for Benefits in Kind (BiKs) and National Insurance contributions. Additionally, they provide the functionality to generate reports and letters for employees.

Please note that paper submissions for Forms P11D and P11D(b) are no longer accepted. It's essential to utilize one of the digital methods mentioned above for a seamless and compliant submission process.

P11D Deadline

The P11D form must be submitted by July 6th each tax year to avoid penalties. For the tax year 2024/25, the P11D deadline is July 6, 2025. This deadline covers benefits and expenses provided to employees during the previous tax year, which runs from April 6th to April 5th. The submission can be done online, or using third-party payroll software. It serves as the basis for payrolling benefits or filing the P11D(b) form.

What you need to do Deadline after the end of the tax year
Report expenses and benefits 6 July
Give your employees a copy of the information 6 July
Report the total Class 1A National Insurance you owe 6 July
Pay Class 1A National Insurance  22 July (19 July if paying by cheque)
Pay tax and Class 1B National Insurance if you have a PAYE Settlement Agreement 22 October (19 October if paying by cheque)
Pay PAYE tax or Class 1 National Insurance if ‘payrolling’ Monthly through payroll

P11D Late Filing Penalties:

  1. For late submission of P11D form, a penalty of £100 is imposed per 50 employees for every full month of delay.
  2. In case of late payments for any National Insurance Contributions (NICs) owed, a penalty charge of 5% is incurred after 30 days of the due date. This penalty increases to 10% after 6 months and further escalates to 15% after 12 months, in addition to any accrued interest.

A penalty may apply if you provide inaccurate information in your tax return either carelessly or deliberately, leading to:

  • underpaying taxes
  • over-claiming tax reliefs

PAYE Settlement Agreements (PSAs)

You can make one annual payment to cover all the tax and National Insurance due on minor, irregular or impracticable expenses or benefits for your employees if you have a PAYE Settlement Agreement (PSA) with HMRC.

Under the PSA, you don't need to:

  • put the expenses and benefits through your payroll to work out tax and National Insurance
  • include expenses and benefits in your end-of-year P11D forms
  • pay Class 1A National Insurance on expenses and benefits at the end of the tax year (you pay Class 1B National Insurance as part of your PSA instead)

Payrolling of Benefits

Payrolling of benefits is a convenient alternative to filing the P11D form. It allows tax deductions through payroll software, eliminating the need for form submission. You won't have to submit a P11D if an employee's expenses and benefits have been included in their regular pay through payrolling. Payrolling of benefits means that payroll software includes the value of benefits and expenses into employees' regular pay, rather than reporting them separately to HMRC at the end of the tax year. It's important to note that certain expenses and benefits cannot be included in payrolling. However, unlike the P11D form, if expenses and benefits have been payrolled, you still must submit a P11D(b) form.

Differences Between P11D and P11D(b) Forms

The main difference between the P11D and P11D(b) forms is their purpose. The P11D form is used to report employee benefits, while the P11D(b) form is used to account for tax. Additionally, the filing deadline for both forms is July 6th. The P11D form is necessary when benefits are not payrolled, whereas the P11D(b) form is required when benefits are payrolled. Furthermore, the P11D form is employee-specific, while the P11D(b) form is company-wide.


P11D Form

P11D(b) Form

Submission Purpose

Reports individual employee benefits and expenses.

Summarizes the total Class 1A National Insurance contributions due on benefits and expenses reported in P11D forms.

Submission Frequency

Filed separately for each relevant employee who received benefits-in-kind (annually).

Filed alongside P11D forms, summarizing Class 1A National Insurance contributions (annually).


Employer's responsibility to submit on behalf of individual employees.

Employer's responsibility to submit for the entire organization.

Details Included

Specific details of individual employee benefits and expenses, including calculations.

Aggregated summary of Class 1A National Insurance contributions, not individual employee details.

Electronic Filing Option

Available for both online and paper submission.

Usually submitted online for efficiency.

Submission Deadline

Generally due by July 6th following the end of the tax year.

Same deadline as P11D forms, typically by July 6th.

Main Purpose

Determines the taxable value of benefits provided to employees.

Calculates Class 1A National Insurance contributions owed by the employer.

Ready to Get Started?

Filing your P11D and P11D(b) forms accurately and on time is essential to avoid penalties and ensure compliance with UK tax regulations. Unsure on your P11D deadlines? Get help from one our small business accountants who can help with registration to filing.

FAQs on P11D Deadline

When is P11D Due?

The deadline for submitting the annual P11D and P11D(b) forms to HMRC is typically on July 6th following the end of the tax year. For the tax year 2024/25, the P11D deadline is July 6, 2025.

What If I Have No BiKs or Expenses to Report?

Even if you have no benefits in kind or expenses to report, you must still submit a 'nil return' P11D form. This ensures compliance with HMRC regulations, and it's important not to miss the deadline.

Who needs to file a P11D?

To comply with tax regulations, your company must fill out and submit a P11D form separately for every "relevant employee" or company director who has received benefits-in-kind in addition to their regular salary during the fiscal year. The obligation to complete and file a P11D form lies with the employer, and it is not the responsibility of the employee.

When should my employer give me my P11D?

Your employer should provide you with your P11D form by July 6th each year. You should keep P11D form as you may need it to complete a tax return or to claim a repayment of tax.

Does P11D affect my tax code?

Yes, the information on your P11D form can affect your tax code. The amount reported on the P11D form represents additional employment income in the form of taxable benefits and expenses which HMRC uses to adjust your tax code accordingly for accurate tax deductions from your salary.

Explore more of our Tax Year Dates and Deadlines guides